This week marks one year since the launch of the Wales Violence Prevention Portal!
To mark the Portal’s one-year anniversary, we are hosting two training sessions in April. These sessions will be suitable for those new to using the Portal or for those who need a refresher:
- Tuesday 16th April (2.30pm-4.00pm) - sign up here
- Tuesday 23rd April (10.00am-11.30am) - sign up here
Since its launch in March 2023, 221 users have registered for the Portal. The Portal launched with hospital admissions and ambulance call-out data for Wales, emergency department assault attendances for South Wales and police-recorded crime data for South Wales. Since April 2023, additional data sources have been added, including emergency department assault attendances for Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board and Powys Teaching Health Board, police-recorded crime data for North Wales and North Wales Fire and Rescue Service data on violence. Emergency department assault attendances for Aneurin Bevan University Health Board will also be available on the Portal from the end of this month.
The Portal also includes a Report Repository, which houses Official briefings and reports developed by the Wales Violence Prevention Unit (VPU) on specific violence issues. This year, the VPU has developed the Welsh Sexual Assault Service data summary report, and the annual report for Female Genital Mutilation Experienced by Women Residing in Wales, utilising data collected through the All-Wales Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) clinical pathway.
The Wales Violence Prevention Portal is available for all professionals who need to understand violence trends in Wales, especially analysts and public health specialists. Data held on the Portal is crucial for organisations involved in the Serious Violence Duty as well as those wishing to better understand violence in their communities for operational and strategic practice.
Click here to register for a Portal account (access will only be granted for organisational email addresses).